Gynecomastia for Men in the Inland Empire
Gynecomastia is a medical term that comes from the Greek words for “women-like breasts.” Though this oddly named condition is rarely talked about, it’s actually quite common. Gynecomastia affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. It may affect only one breast or both. Though certain drugs and medical problems have been linked with male breast overdevelopment, there is no known cause in the vast majority of cases. For men who feel self-conscious about their appearance, breast-reduction surgery can help. The procedure removes fat and or glandular tissue from the breasts, and in extreme cases removes excess skin, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer, and better contoured.
The temporary effects of breast reduction include loss of breast sensation or numbness, which may last up to a year. The initial consultation with Dr. Punjabi is very important. He will need a complete medical history, so check your own records ahead of time and be ready to provide this information. First, Dr. Punjabi will examine your breasts and check for causes of gynecomastia, such as impaired liver function, use of estrogen-containing medications, or anabolic steroids. Once Dr. Punjabi knows how much fat and glandular tissue is contained within the breasts, he can choose a surgical approach to best suit your needs. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have during the initial consultation- including your concerns about the recommended treatment or the costs involved. Treatment of gynecomastia may be covered by medical insurance–but policies vary greatly. Check your policy or call your carrier to be sure. If you are covered, make certain you get written pre-authorization for the treatment recommended by your surgeon.
Surgery for gynecomastia is most often performed as an outpatient procedure, but in extreme cases, or those where other medical conditions present cause for concern, an overnight hospital stay may be recommended. The surgery itself usually takes about an hour and a half to complete. However, more extensive procedures may take longer. Correction of enlarged male breasts may be performed under general, or in some cases, under local anesthesia plus sedation. You’ll be awake, but very relaxed and insensitive to pain. More extensive correction may be performed under general anesthesia, which allows the patient to sleep through the entire operation. Your surgeon will discuss which option is recommended for you, and why this is the option of choice.
Gynecomastia surgery can enhance your appearance and self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them frankly with Dr. Punjabi. The results of the procedure are significant and permanent. If your expectations are realistic, chances are good that you’ll be very satisfied with your new look. If gynecomastia is something that would be beneficial to you, call our office and set up your consultation with Dr. Punjabi, today!